
SolmeteX NXT Hg5 Compliance Kit, NXT-Hg5-CK


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Slometex NXT-Hg5 Compliance Kit (Fits NXT Hg5 Amalgam Separator only)

The Solmetex Compliance Kit is a bundled product designed to help keep your office in compliance with the new EPA "Dental Rule". Most offices are aware that the collection container on their amalgam separator needs to be changed yearly or when full. However, what most office do not realize is they need to manage their "dry waste" as well. The Solmetex Compliance Kit includes both an Hg5 series Collection Container and Practice Waste Solutions Amalgam Bucket in one package. This takes the guess work out of compliance.

Includes: NXT Hg5 Collection Container with recycling, 1.25 gal. PWS Amalgam Bucket, & 64 oz. bottle of PowerScrub vacuum line cleaner

Everything the office needs to stay in compliance with the EPA "Dental Rule"

Eco-friendly, 100% recyclable packaging

Simple mail back recycling program